Posts Tagged With: Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit

Update Your Concealed Carry Training

Many people have concealed carry training that dates back six to ten years or more. In many of my classes recently I have had men and woman getting updated training and some new information. After class I usually ask if these people learned anything new. Many have stated that a lot of the training I […]

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Open Carry Legal in Colorado

Open Carry Legal in Colorado Open Carry is legal in Colorado (no permit required) as long as you are in a place it is allowed. You are not a prohibited possessor, and are over the age of 18 and not intoxicated. The Denver Metro area is off-limits for open carry as they have a hometown […]

Categories: Concealed Carry Training | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

Getting a Concealed Handgun Permit Pueblo Colorado

Getting a Concealed Handgun Permit in Pueblo Colorado is a great option. Many people travel to the Pueblo area for shopping and medical appointments. It is very easy to schedule your training around those days if you have a trainer that will accommodate you.  Maybe you just want gun training so you can be safe […]

Categories: Concealed Handgun Permit Pueblo Colorado | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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