Terms of Use

Privacy Policy

You may give us personal information about you, such as your name, your contact email and other contact details on various places on our website. This privacy policy describes how we collect and use your personal information.

How and where we collect personal information:

– electronic newsletters
– discussion boards and forums
– chats and blogs
– customer registration
– classes we attend or hold

How we use your personal information:

The information you give us is absolute safe with us. We will never rent, sell, share or otherwise disclose your personal information to third parties. We might contact you from time to time regarding your purchases or the services (like newsletters and announcements) you have subscribed to.

We may also send you promotional announcements from time to time about new products ,services and educational opportunities that you might find useful.

You may also opt out from receiving information from us at any time and ask us to remove your contact information from our database.


The information provided on this website is for information purposes only and is provided solely as a guide to assist you in forming your own opinions. Although the information on the website has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, it is provided on an “as is” basis without a warranty of any kind. None of the information is legal advice or the opinion of any professional or expert. This website is not a substitute for formal, qualified instruction in the handling, use or storage of firearms. You alone are completely responsible for your use of a firearm.

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