
Instructors listed on this page are qualified to instruct in Colorado for Concealed Carry Permits and other forms of firearms training. Contact them directly to schedule your firearms classes.


Rick Sindeband    Have Gun Will Train Colorado

Email Rick About Classes

USCCA Certified Concealed Carry and Home Defense Instructor
NRA Certified Pistol Instructor
NRA Certified Rifle Instructor
NRA Certified Shotgun Instructor
NRA Certified Personal Protection in the Home Instructor
NRA Certified Personal Protection Outside the Home Instructor
NRA Certified Metallic Cartridge Reloading Instructor
NRA Certified Shotgun Shell Reloading Instructor
NRA Certified Chief Range Safety Officer
NRA Certified Home Firearm Safety Instructor
NLT Affiliate Instructor SIRT Training Pistol
Glock Certified Factory Armorer

The training I provide is based on the best gun handling techniques and safety that top Instructors use around the country for the classes they teach. I am on top of all changes in the law and legislation for our area and many others around the country.

People who I have trained become confident in their gun handling skills and their ability to make good decisions about concealed carry techniques and issues.

Most people learn with a combination of lecture, audiovisual, and hands on. All of these techniques are important in self-protection training. Many of my students have never handled a firearm and are now faced with the real world worries of how they will defend themselves and their loved ones if the time ever presents itself.

No one class will get your training level to where you need to be. These skills and qualifications are built like building blocks with the base being the most important. A good strong base gives you a foundation for the rest of your training throughout your training cycle.

I am currently training individuals and business owners in all aspects of safe gun handling with regard to self-defense and concealed carry.  I have been a shooting sports enthusiast for most of my life, starting with my dad as a young child with shotguns, rifles, and reloading, then migrating to pistols and self-defense.

After I spent 4 years in the United States Air Force, I spent almost 20 years in the Insurance industry as a trainer and Certified Insurance Counselor. I currently hold Double Distinguished Expert status in Semi-Auto Pistol and Defensive Pistol 1 with the NRA.

Rick’s Website


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