New Concealed Carry Training Law

New Concealed Carry Training LawThe new Concealed Carry Training Law will go into effect next year. People getting a permit now will have 5 years before the new qualifications apply. The new Concealed Carry Law will make individuals take an 8 hour class with a written test score requirement, and a shooting qualification. Renewals will have to also take a class and shoot to qualify.

News Article

When Rick Sindeband (one of the busiest trainers in Southern Colorado) was asked about the new training requirements he said ” It was bound to happen sooner or later. Many people were sitting in a Restaurant eating tacos, listening to some fool tell them about nothing, and never touched a gun in the entire program. Then they took that piece of paper and got a carry permit.  I wonder why the law had to change.”

People need to realize carrying a gun is a big responsibility and most people have no idea what they are doing and most just think they do.

New Concealed Carry Training Law

The new Concealed Carry Law will fix some problems and cause some others. The new law will make people be more aware of the Laws and Regulations in Colorado surrounding the use of a gun. It will also make sure they can run the gun they have safely and actually put shots on target. The plus is that some states might give us reciprocity because we have to shoot and qualify.

The downside is that many people have said they will just carry a gun without a permit and bypass all the training Colorado thinks they need. It will also cause people to carry open (which we all know is stupid in public).

Some people of course will go thru the classes and get to the qual and fail. Then they will need some sort of remedial training and I’m sure that will be available.

If you want to get your permit soon call Have Gun Will Train Colorado in Pueblo ,Colorado. Classes are held almost every day and you can usually find a time and day that fits your schedule.


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