New Concealed Carry Training Law

New Concealed Carry Training LawThe new Concealed Carry Training Law will go into effect next year. People getting a permit now will have 5 years before the new qualifications apply. The new Concealed Carry Law will make individuals take an 8 hour class with a written test score requirement, and a shooting qualification. Renewals will have to also take a class and shoot to qualify.

News Article

When Rick Sindeband (one of the busiest trainers in Southern Colorado) was asked about the new training requirements he said ” It was bound to happen sooner or later. Many people were sitting in a Restaurant eating tacos, listening to some fool tell them about nothing, and never touched a gun in the entire program. Then they took that piece of paper and got a carry permit.  I wonder why the law had to change.”

People need to realize carrying a gun is a big responsibility and most people have no idea what they are doing and most just think they do.

New Concealed Carry Training Law

The new Concealed Carry Law will fix some problems and cause some others. The new law will make people be more aware of the Laws and Regulations in Colorado surrounding the use of a gun. It will also make sure they can run the gun they have safely and actually put shots on target. The plus is that some states might give us reciprocity because we have to shoot and qualify.

The downside is that many people have said they will just carry a gun without a permit and bypass all the training Colorado thinks they need. It will also cause people to carry open (which we all know is stupid in public).

Some people of course will go thru the classes and get to the qual and fail. Then they will need some sort of remedial training and I’m sure that will be available.

If you want to get your permit soon call Have Gun Will Train Colorado in Pueblo ,Colorado. Classes are held almost every day and you can usually find a time and day that fits your schedule.


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Self Defense Training Very Popular

Self Defense Training

Self Defense Training Very Popular- As the attitude about handguns and self-defense across this country changes, self-defense training with a handgun becomes very popular. Many people believe that your first line of defense is always going to be yourself. There is a very good probability that when you need a policeman they will be many minutes or even light-years away.

Help will Take Time To Arrive

The FBI has a statistic and the gun training industry calls it the rule of 3’s. It is used frequently in conversations about self-defense shootings, and it goes like this. Most self-defense shootings are over in less than 3 seconds. They happen at a distance of usually no more than 3 yards (that’s less than 10 feet). In addition, the whole event usually has 3 rounds or less fired from a gun in total.

So Lets Break That Down

If Self Defense shootings are over in such a short time (3 seconds or less) it’s no wonder we have to rely on ourselves for self-defense. It will be very unusual circumstances that help would be there or arrive in time to stop the event.

These incidents usually happen in less than 10 feet (conversational distance). For someone to react in time and know the right steps to take this self-defense situation will take training.

Last but not least only 3 rounds or less will be fired from all guns involved. You can imagine that you are going to have to be pretty savy to make this happen. Especially when you are scared.

Self Defense Training Very Popular

Many people are seeking out training to carry a concealed handgun. It’s not hard to get a permit to carry a handgun in Colorado, it is a very easy process.  Colorado is a shall issue state. What that means is if you qualify ( and most people do) Colorado is going to issue you a permit to carry a handgun.

Get Specialized Training

Now all the fun starts. Get a proper gun and equipment. Learn the gun. Learn the laws. Understand what Self Defense means and when you can use it. Then finally learn to use that gun in less than 3 seconds to save your life or someone else’s. Sound like fun it can be but you need an experienced guide to show you the way.

Self Defense Training in Southern Colorado

One of the best training schools in the area to learn this kind of skill is Have Gun Will Train Colorado, located in Pueblo Colorado.  This school has many class times and days of the week to get you started on almost any schedule. Look it up and check it out.

Categories: Self Defense Training | Tags: , ,

Colorado Approved CCW Training Pueblo County

Colorado Approved CCW Training Pueblo County

There are several new gun laws that affect everyone in Colorado. Does your training program cover them in class?

Colorado Approved CCW Training Pueblo County. Remember Colorado does not allow you to take an online class for your concealed carry permit.

Small classes- Great attention to detail


Get Your Permit On Your Schedule

Get your Colorado Approved CCW Training Pueblo County on your schedule. We know you have a busy life that’s why we offer approved CCW Training on many different days and times throughout the week.

CCW Training In Pueblo County

Many people in the Pueblo area choose our training because we are the best. Pueblo County residents choose our training over others because of the information we give our students. Classes held on your schedule, when it works for you.

Top-Notch Instructor

These classes are instructed by one of the top instructors in the area with many years of training and gun handling expertise. Take a look at this Instructors Credentials

Classes Include Instruction In:

Picking a handgun for self-defense

Pros and Cons of different types of handguns (examples in class)

Working knowledge of handguns and ammunition

Handgun safety

Colorado Gun Laws (In and out of your home, car, and business)

Laws of Self Defense and how they apply in Colorado

Learn to Shoot (from an expert)

Don’t Worry If you Don’t Own A Gun

Most importantly you don’t need your own gun for class, and if you do not already own one we suggest you do not go out and buy one for class. We will teach you how to pick the right handgun for self-defense. If you already have a gun great! You will bring it to class and we will show you how to properly operate it safely and effectively. we also have relationships with gun dealers that can help you find the handgun you are looking for.

Gun Training in the Pueblo County Area Has Never been Easier

Contact us about your CCW training or other gun training that we offer including Home Defense Shotgun.

Sign Up For one of our upcoming classes

Categories: Concealed Carry Training For Pueblo County Colorado | Tags: , , , ,

Colorado Approved CCW Training El Paso County

Colorado Approved CCW Training El Paso County

There are several new gun laws that affect everyone in Colorado. Does your training program cover them in class?

Colorado Approved CCW Training El Paso County. Remember Colorado does not allow you to take an online class for your concealed carry permit.

Small classes- Great attention to detail


Get Your Permit On Your Schedule

Get your Colorado Approved CCW Training El Paso County on your schedule. We know you have a busy life that’s why we offer approved CCW Training on many different days and times throughout the week.

CCW Training In El Paso County

Many people in the Colorado Springs, Fountain, and Security area choose our training because we are close. Many El Paso County residents travel to Pueblo for shopping and appointments. Classes on your schedule, when it works for you.

Top-Notch Instructor

These classes are instructed by one of the top instructors in the area with many years of training and gun handling expertise. Take a look at this Instructors Credentials

Classes Include Instruction In:

Picking a handgun for self-defense

Pros and Cons of different types of handguns (examples in class)

Working knowledge of handguns and ammunition

Handgun safety

Colorado Gun Laws (In and out of your home, car, and business)

Laws of Self Defense and how they apply in Colorado

Learn to Shoot (from an expert)

Don’t Worry If you Don’t Own A Gun

Most importantly you don’t need your own gun for class, and if you do not already own one we suggest you do not go out and buy one for class. We will teach you how to pick the right handgun for self-defense. If you already have a gun great! You will bring it to class and we will show you how to properly operate it safely and effectively. we also have relationships with gun dealers that can help you find the handgun you are looking for.

Gun Training in the El Paso County Area Has Never been Easier

Contact us about your CCW training or other gun training that we offer including Home Defense Shotgun.

Sign Up For one of our upcoming classes

Categories: Concealed Carry Training for El Paso County Colorado | Tags: , , , ,

CCW Training for Pueblo and Surrounding Counties

Concealed Carry Training For Pueblo and Surrounding Colorado Counties 

Students find that frequent classes and schedule options make these classes perfect

Classes are available on your schedule

Concealed Carry Training For Pueblo County Colorado

Concealed Carry Training for Pueblo and Surrounding Counties is not standardized in Colorado.

Train with the best and most highly rated school in Southern Colorado

Get the training and information you need to make yourself a confident gun handler


Don’t risk your Life, your Freedom, and your Finances to poor or improper training.

You get the information that Instructor’s in the Hotel and Gun Show classes fail to teach

**Train With The Best**

Have Gun Will Train Colorado

Concealed Carry Training For Pueblo County Colorado

Rick Sindeband, Certified Firearms Instructor

In Concealed Carry Training for Pueblo and Surrounding Counties, you will learn

Gun Safety

Colorado Gun Laws

What you can and can not do with your concealed carry firearm

Use of Force Requirements

Self Defense Requirements for Colorado

Actions of popular guns

Types of ammunition

How to pick a new firearm

How to handle your firearm

and of course how to shoot your firearm

CCW Training for Pueblo and Surrounding Counties

Does not require any firearms knowledge

Does not require you to have a gun

Sign up for class

CCW Training for Pueblo and Surrounding Counties

Classes are held on your schedule- some weekdays, nights and weekends are available

Our class is reasonable on your budget

only $65 

Sign Up Today

….See what people say about our classes….

Concealed Carry Training for Pueblo County Colorado

Categories: concealed carry training for southern colorado | Tags: ,

Federal Ammunition Talks About Shortage

Federals recent podcast about ammunition shortage

Federal Podcast on Ammo



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Colorado Approved CCW Training Fremont County

Colorado Approved CCW Training Fremont County

There are several new gun laws that affect everyone in Colorado. Does your training program cover them in class?

Colorado Approved CCW Training Fremont County. Remember Colorado does not allow you to take an online class for your concealed carry permit.

Small classes- Great attention to detail


Get Your Permit On Your Schedule

Get your Colorado Approved CCW Training Fremont County on your schedule. We know you have a busy life that’s why we offer approved CCW Training on many different days and times throughout the week.

CCW Training In Fremont County

Many people in the Canon City, Florence, and Penrose area choose our training because we are close. Many Fremont County residents travel to Pueblo for shopping and appointments. Classes on your schedule, when it works for you.

Top-Notch Instructor

These classes are instructed by one of the top instructors in the area with many years of training and gun handling expertise. Take a look at this Instructors Credentials

Classes Include Instruction In:

Picking a handgun for self-defense

Pros and Cons of different types of handguns (examples in class)

Working knowledge of handguns and ammunition

Handgun safety

Colorado Gun Laws (In and out of your home, car, and business)

Laws of Self Defense and how they apply in Colorado

Learn to Shoot (from an expert)

Don’t Worry If you Don’t Own A Gun

Most importantly you don’t need your own gun for class, and if you do not already own one we suggest you do not go out and buy one for class. We will teach you how to pick the right handgun for self-defense. If you already have a gun great! You will bring it to class and we will show you how to properly operate it safely and effectively. we also have relationships with gun dealers that can help you find the handgun you are looking for.

Gun Training in the Fremont County Area Has Never been Easier

Contact us about your CCW training or other gun training that we offer including Home Defense Shotgun

Sign Up For one of our upcoming classes


Categories: Concealed Carry Training For Fremont County Colorado | Tags: , , , ,

Holiday Gift Certificates For Concealed Carry

Concealed Carry Training Gift Certificates

Give the gift of concealed carry training that may save a life. Firearms training is a wonderful and yet unique gift for a friend or loved one.

concealed carry training gift certificates


How to obtain a Concealed Carry Training  Gift Certificate

Or Contact me on my contact page/

 check out securely at the bottom of this page or here using a debit or credit card

I will reply to your email from the credit card order. I am going to be running some specials for training services for the holiday and the new year.  Once payment is received I will send you the personalized gift certificates good for 1 year from purchase.

Concealed Carry Training Gift Certificates

can be a great way to get someone special that Concealed Carry Training that they have been wanting but have not been able to accomplish. Many of our students keep putting off concealed carry training thinking that there will be a better time in the future. The time is now, this type of training is invaluable to people who want to protect themselves and their families from the evils we all face every day. Get a loved one the gun training they need to keep safe and stay within the law.

Many of the new laws in Colorado have no effect on Concealed Carry Training.  Get the Concealed Carry Training you need to be confident that you are following all the rules and you know the difference between fact and fiction.

Pay for your gift Certificate online by my secure payment system. I will email you for the person’s name that will be attending the class and send you the personalized certificate quickly.

On Sale for Gift Giving..$55 for training in 2020

Categories: gift certificate

Safe Handling of Firearms in Gun Stores

Safe handling of firearms in gun stores…

safe handling of firearmsYou can tell a lot about a person’s gun handling expertise by watching them hand a gun to someone. I was recently in one of the local shooting shops in my area and I saw a man asking to see a handgun that was in the showcase. The clerk smiled and said sure and grabbed the handgun and handed it to the potential customer. This particular clerk did not drop the magazine (YES ITS NOT A CLIP), lock the slide back and check to see if it was unloaded, he just ASSUMED it was. You know that old saying about assume don’t you? Luckily the customer turned the gun in a safe direction and dropped the magazine and locked the slide back and checked it himself. This customer was obviously a well-trained individual and it was nice to see his proper command of that firearm. Well here’s the problem. The clerk should have done all that and then the customer should have checked it again to make sure. This is common sense gun safety 101. First of all, a proper pass of a firearm is to be unloaded with the slide locked back pointing in a safe direction with overhand grip across the slide, the receiving party should accept the gun by grabbing it in the shooting hand all keeping the firearm pointed in a safe direction.

Safe Handling of Firearms

We have seen many accidents across the country when people do not check guns properly. These have happened at home, the office, a gun store, gun shows and many other places including shooting ranges. You can see how easily it can happen by viewing the video below. Safe handling of firearms at all times makes us a safe gun handler, and the people around us safe. Do not be the person who takes the shortcuts. Safe handling of firearms makes you a pro.

Remember that safe handling of firearms is not an option, it is an obligation of all firearms owners. You can never take back that bullet that exits the barrel. All you can do is control where it goes and when it launches. Learn the proper way to handle guns and be a safe gun owner.

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Update Your Concealed Carry Training

concealed carry trainingMany people have concealed carry training that dates back six to ten years or more. In many of my classes recently I have had men and woman getting updated training and some new information. After class I usually ask if these people learned anything new. Many have stated that a lot of the training I do today they never got in class when they took concealed carry training before. The biggest problem is that many of the new concepts that I teach are geared to keep the concealed carry holder out of trouble and to stay alive. Many of the information gaps come from people who do not know the real story and are talking about issues they have improper information on. Even many of the instructors who do not have up to date training have gaps in the information they teach.

Update Your Concealed Carry Training

-Do you have a duty to retreat in Colorado?

-Can you carry in locations that sell alcohol?

-Do No GUNS Allowed signs have any force of law?

-Brandishing in Colorado?

-Duty to declare to police officers

-Marijuana, Alcohol and guns

-Buying and selling guns privately

-Number one safety violation that many people do when handling    guns

-Picking the wrong gun or ammunition for personal protection

-The real story on Open Carry

Many Concealed Carry Training classes in the area fall short and do not give the information you need to keep you and your family safe.  Rick Sindeband is one of the Instructors in the area that you can learn these important topics and more and he has been known to have a discounted program for a concealed carry permit refresher course. Rick’s information can be found on his website . Don’t hesitate to get the important training you need.

Have Gun Will Train Colorado

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